Friday, October 2, 2015

Character Creation Post #1

 Hiya! My name's Shadow, and I'm a character of the person who owns this site, whom I call 'The Admin'. As said in our first post, I will be helpin' you making characters. Now, keep in mind that this will (most likely, at least) be much different from any other guide for creating characters. Ya know why?

 Cuz I'm weird, and Admin's weird, so yeah.

 So let's start off with how to get started.

 Admin likes to make her design first, as she likes to imagine the character in certain situations, and that's how she builds up the character. I understand though, that many people think in different ways, so I won't pressure you to, and you can choose what to do first. Either or way, those two will be your first steps.

 Alright, so now that we got the beginning out of the way, let me go on about how your's truly was created.

 When I was first created, The Admin tried to make the personality first, and decided that I would be a schizophrenic that was very reserved and really crazy. Then she began to design me. 

 I started as a circular head, then she added a cylinder-like body that narrowed into a tail. She added two large wings, two oval shaped feet with claws, a black spade on my tail, and two narrow eyes. But she felt something wasn't right.

 She kept this version of me until she eventually decided to scrap it and start from the beginning, this time in her own style.

 She kept the body, making the eyes more oval shaped and adding a huge smile. She decided that I would still be reserved and crazy, but scrapped the schizophrenia. She then decided that I would be happy, but mother like. And that I would be protective over my friends. Now we're getting closer to the current me.

 Later on in the school year (I forgot to mention this; I was created during the school year), she decided to change my personality once more, making me happy and bubbly, with a crazy side and still protective. She made me the jokester and extremely childish. This is the current moi.

 Now that's it for now! I'll leave it off with one of Admin's friend's advice. We'll call her Ari.

"Draw a person. Decide its gender. And think if it could be related to another character. Then just draw away. Let your imagination flow. This once dont think of a backstory based on what he\she is wearing."

 (I'm going to assume what they mean is that 'Don't create a backstory based on what their wearing', but I dunno for sure)


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

First Batch!

Here's the first batch of role-play starters and themes, enjoy!

Role-play starters:

Color Codes- (Important: These may change over time))
Red - Aggressive.
Orange - Danger
Yellow - Childish.
Green - Friendly.
Blue - Sad.
Purple - Other.
Pink - Flirtatious 

"What did you just say?!"
"I'm sorry..."
"Did you drop this?"
*Hugs your leg* "Help me!"
*Walks up* "Hay baby, do you have a map? Cause' I'm getting lost in your eyes." 
"Wanna play tag?"
"Help me! I'm stuck!"
"Hello... What's your name?"
*turns around* "Who's there?"
"Did I do it wrong?"
"Don't you dare move."
"What's that on your lip?" *kisses*

And now the Themes:

Color Codes- (These are different, but they may change. There may be multiple per theme, these will be multiple colors)
Grey - Death Related/Someone may die
Red - Love
Orange - Child Related
Yellow - School Related
Green - Nature Related
Blue - Mental Illness
Purple - Supernatural (Not the show)

1. Person A is in love with Person B, but doesn't know how to tell them. Person C, Person A and Person B's friend, knows that Person B is in love with Person A as well, but doesn't tell them. Person C tells Person A that they should hang out at this restaurant after school, and tells Person B the same thing. Person A and Person B meet up at the restaurant with no sign of Person C. You decide what happens.

2. Person A is a protector of nature (and has nature-related powers) that disguises their self to be a regular person, and goes to school. While at school, they try their best to protect the environment, and mange to help other people and the environment. Person B is a spirt of fire (and has fire-related powers) and goes to the same school. They try their best to cause trouble, but slowly stops as they get to know Person A. As the two begin to fall for each other, they begin to notice strange happenings about the other. The two confront each other about the issue and reveal everything. You decide what happens next.

3. Person A gives birth to Person B, which starts off normal and dandy. The day after Person B was born, the hospital they were born in is burned down, and only Person B survives. They are put in an orphanage and is adopted a few weeks later. Everywhere Person B goes, things tend to catch on fire for some reason. As Person B grows up, it is revealed that Person B has the ability to catch things one fire or put fore out with their mind. It is also revealed that Person B is a pyromaniac. You decide what happens next.

4. Person A is the son/daughter of a professional dragon rancher, and Person B is the son/daughter of a professional unicorn rider. Person A and Person B are the best of friends. The problem is, that Person B is better with dragons and Person A is better with unicorns. The other problem is that there has been a huge rivalry between the two families since they began. You decide what happens next.

5. Person A and Person B are engaged. They're going to have a fall wedding and everything seems to be going smoothly, until a strange child shows up at their door, claiming they're his/her parents. The child (Child A) always has an grey/black/orange toy poodle following them around and seems to have the ability to read minds. What do Person A and Person B do? You decide.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Every role-play or story starts with an idea. What will yours be?

 Many people's idea wells run dry after a few role-plays or stories. How many fairy tales start with 'Once Upon A Time'? How many stories have you read that start like that? A lot probably. I know we've all had that one person who's starter is so bland and uninspired. Maybe your one of those people. Well, fear not young one. I am here to help.

 What about OCs (Official Characters)? I know we've all had one person whose OC was so uninspired, so bland that you just didn't want to role-play with them. Maybe your a person with one of these 1D characters and want to change it. Well, I'm here to help with that too. 
 Meet Shadow. She's my OC and I created her two years ago. I am very proud of her, as I've made her as realistic as possible (given her flaws, strengths, problems, a backstory, etc.). She wasn't always like this. She has gone through many stages. I am happy about how she is now, however, she will keep changing as I change. She will be the master of creating OCs, and will help you create your OCs.

 This post will be dedicated to Role-play starters and helping other create OC's to use said role-play starters. I hope you enjoy.

Shadow: ME TOO!!!!